Application for sixth form

How to Apply
External Applicants only
Please complete the application form and return to the sixth form office. You can find the application form here or, alternatively, request an application form from the main office.
Already a student at Aston Manor Academy?
Sixth form staff will arrange a presentation for all Year 11 Aston Manor Academy students to tell them more aboutg progressing to sixth form and how to apply.
Next steps and enrolment
7 November 2024 – Sixth form open evening
December – Interviews
January – Conditional offers sent out
July – Sixth form induction (W/C 14 July 2024)
August – Enrolment will take place on GCSE results day (21 August 2025) If you have any questions or would like further guidance, please phone 0121 359 8108 or email enquiry@astonmanoracademy.com

Aston Manor Sixth Form is a remarkable academy with fantastic students and staff. This unique community provides outstanding teaching and support for all pupils. Our portfolio of traditional A-level and vocational subjects, enables our students to thrive and develop into responsible adults.
Once you have had an opportunity to read our prospectus, we would very much like to show you around. An Open Evening for those transitioning to year 12 will be held on Thursday 7 November 2024. To book, please call our main reception on 0121 359 8108 or email dpreston@astonmanoracademy.com