& Achievements

  • Gertrude Nkrumah

    Year 13 (2024)

    Gertrude transferred to Aston Manor sixth form because of the school’s reputation and it was awarded Ofsted Outstanding.
    With her sites firmly set on studying medicine and now holding several offers from leading universities, Gertrude hopes to specialise in Obstetrics or Orthopaedics.
    “My parents are so pleased. I will be the first in my family to go to university, so they are super proud”
    Transferring to Aston Manor sixth form has really exceeded my expectations in every way. The teachers are always here for you. They are incredibly supportive. They want you to be the very best version of yourself.
    The atmosphere here is unique. For me, I found my people here. My friends are the best and we all look out for each other. I will be so sad when I leave”
  • David Iroegbunam

    Year 13 (2024)

    In addition to studying three challenging A levels to fulfil his ambition to become a Civil Engineer, David also competes at county level for Birchfield Harriers, training five days per week.
    “All of my training is funded by British Athletics, which is great because this helps to take any financial stress off my parents”
    Whilst sometimes a challenge combining training and studying, David feels moving to Aston Manor sixth form has really paid off. “Moving to Aston Manor sixth form has helped me to widen my friendship group, all the students and staff here are so friendly. Teachers go above and beyond, especially my maths teacher. I thought I was confident in maths but Aston Manor has taken me to a new level. Changing schools was absolutely the right thing for me”
  • George Swalwell

    Year 13 (2024)

    George’s decision to transfer to Aston Manor sixth form was purely based on the reputation of the Football Academy. “If you are a keen footballer or basketball player, you couldn’t go to a better school. Plus, you get the opportunity to study a nationally recognised qualification that is equal to three A levels”.
    “Everyone both on the football pitch and in lessons, is really friendly. I have made some great friends. One of the strengths of Aston Manor is the diverse range of people studying here, everyone is so accepting, welcoming and supportive. The staff are amazing, they treat you like an adult and they are always on hand to help”.
    Following his passion for football and general fitness, George is considering applying to study for a degree in either Physiotherapy or Nutrition.
  • Hasan Diriye

    Year 13 (2024)

    Hassan chose Aston Manor Sixth form over other schools based on its reputation as one of the top sixth forms in Birmingham, and extensive links with universities but also following a visit to the school.
    However, it was the friendly atmosphere, smaller classroom sizes and previous grades achieved, that swayed Hassan and his parents.
    “It is so supportive here at Aston Manor sixth form. We all revise together and test each other but not in a highly competitive or pressurised way, we all just want to do well. If someone is struggling, we all rally together and help”.
    Hassan’s hard work has paid off; he has been offered a place at St Andrews University in Scotland to study medicine.
    “I will be the first in my family to go to university, I can’t tell you how proud my parents are”.

  • Najma Osman

    Year 12 (2024)

    Najama from an early age has always aspired to be a doctor and study medicine. Combined with an incredible work ethic and already some impressive results from the first year of studying A Level Biology, Chemistry and Psychology, Najama is set to make her dream come true.
    “I have been so fortunate to be part of the A to B Widening Access Scheme. The scheme strongly encourages progression to university and aims to remove barriers for first-generation families applying to university. You are assigned a mentor and they provide guidance and help with your application. I firmly believe that without Aston Manor’s support, I would not have received this incredible opportunity.
    My family strongly recommended Aston Manor, I am so pleased I took their advice, it’s been great, my teachers are so approachable and always willing to help”.
  • Zayn Khan

    Year 13 (2024)

    Zayn’s career ambition is to enter investment banking and having secured a much coveted degree apprenticeship with the Deloitte Global to study Accounts and Finance, he is well on his way to realising his chosen career path.
    “The competition to secure an apprenticeship with Deloitte is massive, I was over the moon when I received my offer. I couldn’t have done it without the support of my teachers and the careers team. They helped me with my application and prepared me for the interview. The feeling that so many staff believe in you, is amazing. My confidence has grown so much in the last year.
    The experience I have had here at Aston Manor, has been wonderful. Teachers go out of their way to help you. Nothing is too much trouble”.
  • Nasteecho Mohamed

    Year 12 (2024)

    Nasteecho joined Aston Manor in year 7 and is now studying the first year of the Extended Diploma in Health and Social Care and Applied Science plus A Level Psychology. Nasteecho has her sights firmly set on studying midwifery.
    Whilst nervous about progressing to sixth form, Nasteecho has fully embraced her studies and has recently been appointed as a Mental Health Ambassador supporting other students who may find it difficult to speak to a family member or a teacher. “Sometimes it’s easier for a student to speak to another student. I think it’s great that the school recognises the need for these various Ambassador roles to help other students.
    I am really enjoying my time in sixth form. The teachers are so supportive. If ever you need anything, they are always there to help you”.
  • Mariam Nuhu

    Year 13 (2023)

    “AA Milne once said, “How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard?”. There is nothing that could better describe how I felt when I left Aston Manor Sixth Form. I think I speak for many students when I say that the guidance and encouragement we received from the sixth form team really helped us capitalise on our academic progression and professional growth, even though we were in the midst of a global pandemic. The teachers were resilient and ensured we were able to receive all the resources we required to be successful in our final exams.

    The relationships I built in the sixth form are everlasting and I could not have asked for a better sixth form experience.

    Through the support I received from teachers and, of course, my hard work, I was so pleased when I got my results and secured a place to study medicine at the University of Birmingham.”
  • Jack Clearly

    Year 13 (2023)

    “I studied the BTEC Sport Extended Diploma at Aston Manor Sixth Form. This enabled me to combine studying with my passion for sport. And I had the opportunity to compete in regional and national league football.

    They really push you at Aston Manor to achieve your personal best. The support was fantastic and really helped me to prepare for life at university. I am now studying sports journalism at the University Campus of Football Business (UCFB) Etihad campus in Manchester.”
  • How to Apply

    External Applicants only

    Please complete the application form and return to the sixth form office. You can find the application form here or, alternatively, request an application form from the main office.

    Already a student at Aston Manor Academy?

    Sixth form staff will arrange a presentation for all Year 11 Aston Manor Academy students to tell them more about progressing to sixth form and how to apply.