Dress Code & Kit
We trust you to choose sensible clothing which is both appropriate in school and will not cause offense to anyone else.
Shirt, blouse, tailored or structured t-shirt, formal knitwear or smart top. Jackets / blazers would be the preferred choice but the alternative option is a tailored / fitted smart cardigan or similar.
Football and basketball – kit will be discussed with applicants at the sixth form open evening and further communication will be sent to students in the spring, prior to you joining the sixth form.

How to Apply
External Applicants only
Please complete the application form and return to the sixth form office. You can find the application form here or, alternatively, request an application form from the main office.
Already a student at Aston Manor Academy?
Sixth form staff will arrange a presentation for all Year 11 Aston Manor Academy students to tell them more aboutg progressing to sixth form and how to apply.