Safeguarding is central to everything we do at Aston Manor Academy. All staff in school are fully trained to recognise their responsibility to safeguard our children and young people and keep them safe both in and out of school. Our school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all our pupils.
At Aston Manor Academy, we recognise our responsibility to safeguard the welfare of all our children by protecting them from physical, sexual or emotional harm and from neglect or bullying.
We acknowledge that child abuse can be a very emotive and difficult subject. It is important to understand the feelings involved, but not to allow them to interfere with judgement about the action to be taken.
If a member of staff or visitor is concerned about a child or a young person’s welfare, they know the procedure to follow. They will liaise with the designated safeguarding lead or someone in the safeguarding team. In accordance with statutory guidance, all our staff receive regular safeguarding training, appropriate to their role. In addition, all posts within the school are required to complete an enhanced DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) clearance in addition to identification and qualification checks.
If a parent is concerned about any child’s welfare, we ask that they contact the designated safeguard lead or someone in the safeguarding team. Parents can do this by contacting the school office or emailing a member of the safeguarding team.
All suspicions and allegations of abuse will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately by following the Equitas Safeguarding and Child Protection policy
Safeguarding Team
Harjinder Kaur Head of Year 12/13
Pippa Jones Assistant Head and Safeguarding Lead
Daniel Preston Assistant Headteacher sixth form and Raising Standards Leader
Neil Turner Deputy Headteacher and Senior Safeguarding Team member
James Forbes Deputy Headteacher and Senior Safeguarding Team member
Jill Sweeney Headteacher

Student wellbeing
& staying safe
We want all pupils to feel safe and happy and have a member of staff that they can talk to if they have any concerns or worries.
We will ensure that children have the knowledge to know how to stay safe, including online.
As well as having a form tutor, there are other staff that pupils may wish to talk to including pastoral staff, safeguarding leads, youth worker, mental health lead and a student counsellor.
The student planner and diary provides helpful advice and information too.
If a pupil or young person does not wish to talk to a member of staff about a concern, they can leave a message on the SHARP report page. This allows anyone to report an incident anonymously and without fear.