Careers Advice and Guidance
Aston Manor Academy is committed to raising aspirations, challenging stereotypes and instilling ambition
Careers advice and guidance at Aston Manor Academy aims to encourage students to make the most of the opportunities available and support and guide our students towards positive career pathways for their future.
Aston Manor Academy is committed to raising aspirations, challenging stereotypes and instilling ambition and the desire to succeed in all our students. We aim to encourage students to make the most of the opportunities available and support and guide our students towards positive career pathways for their future.
The purpose of our careers curriculum at Aston Manor Academy is to provide a stable careers programme, where each and every student is given the opportunity to succeed, no matter what their background, as they prepare for entering the world of work. Aston Manor Academy maintains an ethos of hard work, aspiration and success, all delivered through a culture of nurture, support and encouragement where students respect each other and grow in confidence and resilience.
Our mission statement, ‘All different, All equal, All achieving.’ is key to both our careers curriculum and the wider school vision and aims. We work together to meet the eight Gatsby benchmarks to ensure that students’ aspirations are raised through a variety of methods, including an awareness of local labour market information, meeting employers and visiting workplaces, experiences of further and higher education, links to careers within the curriculum, and personal guidance. We believe this allows our students to develop personal effectiveness and career readiness, resulting in positive outcomes in terms of education and employment.
The senior leadership team at Aston Manor Academy supports our pupils and we value and encourage this guidance to enhance opportunities and build aspirations to future pathways. We do this using a number of strategies including personal guidance, assemblies and workshops. Careers guidance is embedded through the curriculum and across the key stages to ensure pupils can successfully achieve their goals. An ambitious careers programme is vital to the life chances of the young people who attend Aston Manor Academy.
Meet our Careers team
Lyn Ajibade Careers Coordinator KS3
Eileen Hughes Careers Coordinator KS4/5
Careers Education
Careers education at Aston Manor Academy is a comprehensive programme of activities that inform and inspire our students, preparing them for work and helping them to understand where different education and training choices could take them in the future. This is delivered throughout Key Stage 3, 4 and 5 and is tailored to each child and year group.
Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) is a major contributing factor towards the successful transition into the world of work. It is supported by parents, teachers, businesses, professionals and advisory agencies and includes information provided by the DfEs statutory guidance.
Aston Manor Academy also follows the eight benchmarks for delivering good career guidance as identified in the Gatsby ‘Good Career Guidance’ report. The aims and objectives are that students feel confident and well-informed about their choices and can engage proactively in decisions about the pathways they will take, now and in the future. Aston Manor Academy sets high standards for each student by raising aspirations and increasing motivation through inclusion and equality of opportunities. By encouraging participation with the local community, businesses and further and higher education institutions, we are able to better meet the needs of all our students.
Year 12 & 13 Careers Programme
Every year, the careers team organises a detailed programme of events, guest speakers and visits to universities to ensure our students are aware of the wide range of courses, careers and support available to students once they leave us.
Aston Manor Academy’s careers team is dedicated to ensuring students between Year 7 and 13 receive independent and impartial careers guidance, resulting in an embedded culture of high expectations and potential attainment at the school.
All students, parents and teachers have direct access to the National Careers Service www.nationalcareersservice.org
Our headteacher, subject teachers and Governors, together with all other members of the school, are committed to ensuring career education is a key part of the curriculum and everyday learning within the school, and that our students have the highest ambition.

Bursary payments
The 16-19 Bursary Fund is money that has been set aside by the Government for sixth forms and colleges to allocate to young people who need financial support to stay on in further education or training. This is called the 16-19 Bursary Fund. It could help you with any education-related costs that may arise during the school year, including essentials like a meal during the day or transport to your school, college, or training provider. The bursary can also be used to help buy books, clothing, or equipment for your course, or pay for educational visits.
To receive bursary payments, your attendance to sixth form must show 95% as a minimum with a high standard of punctuality. This includes timetabled lessons, enrichment, assertive mentoring and personal tutoring for the specified period. Equally, you must demonstrate full compliance with the learners’ agreement with no referrals relating to conduct or attitude
to learning.

Useful information & external resources
The following external links provide further information to support students, parents and carers. However, our Careers team are always available should you have any queries and require further support and information.
SEND Careers
Labour Market Information
Birmingham Education Partnership
Apprenticeship Resources For Schools, Teachers, Parents
The Parent Perspective Podcast
Amazing Apprenticeships
Parents & Carers
Aimhigher West Midlands
Good Career Guidance | Education | Gatsby
National Careers Service
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Information for Parents,
Teacher & Businesses
To help you with your child’s career decision, here are some links to Resources, Labour Market Information, Future careers options and choices.
Useful documents for Students, Parents & Carers & Businesses

How to Apply
External Applicants only
Please complete the application form and return to the sixth form office. You can find the application form here or, alternatively, request an application form from the main office.
Already a student at Aston Manor Academy?
Sixth form staff will arrange a presentation for all Year 11 Aston Manor Academy students to tell them more about progressing to sixth form and how to apply.