Subjects & Courses
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Vocational Subjects
Topics included in year 1
Poems of the Decade – students will study 20 contemporary poems which span across a range of current themes. Students must be prepared to analyse, discuss and dissect poems independently and in groups. Ultimately, students will be asked to compare one poem from their anthology with an unseen poem.
The Importance of Being Earnest – students will explore Oscar Wilde’s famous play and look closely at the historical and cultural background, the playwright and the political climate to help them grasp the nuances within the text. In their exam, students will be given a choice of two questions to answer on a character/theme from the play.
Frankenstein and A Handmaid’s Tale – students will closely analyse both texts individually, building up to eventually conducting a critical comparison of the two texts and writing evaluative exam pieces.
Topics included in year 2
The Taming of the Shrew – students will study the Shakespeare text at the beginning of the second year. Students must use quotations and analysis from various academic critics of the play to support and strengthen their interpretations of key content. Students will be given a choice of two questions to answer on a character/theme from the play.
Christina Rossetti Poetry Anthology – students will complete a second anthology of poetry from the famous poet, Christina Rossetti. Students will study 21 poems and support their analysis with an in-depth understanding of historical and social context. Students will be asked to answer an exam question in which they compare two poems with interpretation and presentation of a key theme.
Students must complete a piece of internally assessed coursework; a 2500- 3000 word comparative essay on a choice of two personally selected texts linked by theme, movement, author or period. Students will be fully supported in their choice of texts and the direction they take their essay.
Texts Studied
Frankenstein, A Handmaid’s Tale, The Importance of Being Earnest, Poems of the Decade, The Taming of the Shrew, Christina Rossetti’s Poetry Anthology.
Year 1
100% internal assessment – two exams.
Year 2
100% external examination = 80% – three exams and 20% coursework.
Undergraduate Degree options
English Literature, Journalism, Marketing and Public Relations, Events Management, Teaching and Communications.
Possible Career Options
Human resources
Marketing and communications
Public relations
Events management
Entry requirements
To secure your place at Aston Manor Sixth Form, you must achieve five GCSEs at grades 4-9 (including English and maths at grade 4).
Certain courses have additional specific requirements, as shown below.
GCSE grade 5 English
GCSE grade 5 English and maths
GCSE grade 6 science and maths
GCSE grade 6 science and maths
GCSE grade 6 maths
English Literature
GCSE grade 6 English
GCSE grade 6 French
and English grade 5
Religious Education
GCSE grade 6 RE
OCR Digital Media
GCSE grade 4 English
Health and Social Care
GCSE grade 4 maths
Business Studies
GCSE grade 4 English and maths
Financial Studies
GCSE grade 4 maths
Merit at KS4 and GCSE grade 4 English
Applied Science
GCSE grade 4 English, maths
and science

How to Apply
External Applicants only
Please complete the application form and return to the sixth form office. You can find the application form here or, alternatively, request an application form from the main office.
Already a student at Aston Manor Academy?
Sixth form staff will arrange a presentation for all Year 11 Aston Manor Academy students to tell them more about progressing to sixth form and how to apply.